Zi Wei Yuan Fish Head Hotpot

Since 1999

Welcome to Zi Wei Yuan, your haven for Authentic Charcoal Fish Head Hotpot since 1999! We specialize in serving Authentic Charcoal Fish Head Hotpot, a Teochew traditional cuisine, since the very beginning.

"Charcoal Fish Head Hotpot embodies the essence of close, warm relationships."

Fish head steamboat is a dish synonymous with sharing, often enjoyed with friends and family. It brings people together, creating a cozy, warm atmosphere that fosters bonding, joy, and togetherness. As you sit around a pot, cooking, eating, talking, and relaxing, our hotpot becomes a centerpiece for shared moments.

At Zi Wei Yuan, we've proudly maintained the tradition of using charcoal for cooking since day one. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the choice of using imported charcoal, enhancing the natural flavors and ensuring sustained insulation.


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The Old Fashioned, Modernized.

Zi Wei Yuan- The No.1 destination for Authentic Charcoal Fish Head Hotpot

The essence of a restaurant lies in its food, and at Zi Wei Yuan, we take pride in being the No.1 destination for Authentic Charcoal Fish Head Hotpot. Our culinary journey began in 1999, and since then, we've modernized the old-fashioned charm of Teochew cuisine. From the crackling sounds of charcoal to the rich flavors that fill the air, every visit to Zi Wei Yuan is a nostalgic yet contemporary experience. Indulge in the warmth of tradition and the excellence of our signature dish – making us your top choice for an unforgettable dining adventure.


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Why Charcoal Cooking Matters?

At Zi Wei Yuan, we've proudly maintained the tradition of using charcoal for cooking since day one. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the choice of using imported charcoal, enhancing the natural flavors and ensuring sustained insulation.